9 Ways To Keep Your Car Running For Years

Published On: May 26, 2021Last Updated: October 19, 2024

Maintaining a car is a major responsibility, especially if you rely on your vehicle to go to work or run errands for your family. In fact, owning a car incurs high maintenance costs, which can make it difficult for some people to justify buying a vehicle. However, investing in a vehicle requires much more than the initial purchase price. Investing in your vehicle’s maintenance actually enhances the value of your investment by increasing the chances that your car will run for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years — or even longer!

So, what can you do to ensure the longevity of your car? Read on to learn about 5 ways to keep your car running for years!

1. Restoration Services

If you’ve already been using your vehicle for a while, it may need more than a simple tuneup. The same holds true if you buy a vintage or used car. Fortunately, there are plenty of restoration services like Precision Restorations that can help restore your vehicle without breaking the bank. In a matter of days, you could have a completely refurbished car!

2. Careful Driving

A lot of people don’t realize that the way they drive has a huge impact on their car. For example, if you have a tendency to jam on the gas when you’re ready to accelerate, this puts a great deal of strain on your engine and tires. Over time, this could lead to irreparable damage. So, try to drive carefully and responsibly, taking note of when your driving habits are putting excess pressure on your vehicle.

3. Change the Fluids Regularly

Regular tune-ups should be a given, but it’s important to top off your fluids in between visits to the mechanic as well. You don’t need to be an expert mechanic to do this, either. In fact, you can go to just about any auto parts store and buy high-quality oil and coolants. Keeping track of your car’s fluid levels can ensure that you become aware of any leaks or issues before they can cause damage to your vehicle.

4. Check the Engine

Even if you’re “check engine” light hasn’t come on yet, you should always be aware of your engine’s condition. If you notice your engine making noises, producing unusual smells, creating more heat than usual, or even working harder to maintain the same workload, you should bring it to a mechanic. Your engine is the most valuable part of just about any car. So, if your engine is healthy, your car is more likely to be healthy as well.

5. Find a Go-To Mechanic

Many people just go to their nearest mechanic for services, replacement parts, and repairs. However, you should treat finding a mechanic like you would finding a doctor. Once you have a reliable mechanic, you should stick with them for all of your auto maintenance needs.

This way, they will come to understand your vehicle and any peculiarities that it may have. Not only could this extend the life of your vehicle, but a trustworthy mechanic could end up saving you a lot of money, too!

Whether you have a reliable family car or a cheap sports car, having a go-to mechanic is crucial! 

6. Use Genuine Parts Only

Regardless of how well you drive or take care of your car, there’s always the chance that some parts will need to be replaced after a while. If this situation ever arises, you’ll need to ensure that the mechanic always uses genuine parts.

Unfortunately, many car’ owners try to cut corners and use cheap replacement parts. Not only is this dangerous, but it could also lead to more severe problems in the long run. Imagine what would happen if you’re driving and a crucial engine part fails!

7. Change the Air and Oil Filters Regularly

Always check your car’s manual to see how often you should change the air filter. This is crucial as it can prevent dirt from damaging the car’s engine. Fortunately, air filters aren’t too expensive and you can easily change them when you service the vehicle. If you don’t have a user’s manual, you should change the air filter after driving 30,000 miles.

The oil filter is slightly different, but the function is the same- to prevent dirt from entering the car’s engine. As a rule of thumb, always change the oil filter when you change the car’s oil. Your mechanic may give you a date for this or tell you to come back after you’ve driven a certain number of miles.

8. Rotate Your Car’s Tires

A lesser-known tip to increase the longevity of your car tires is tire rotation. Most people will simply change their car tires after driving a fixed number of miles. However, this approach isn’t ideal as each of your car’s tires will wear out differently.

By rotating your tires regularly, you can prolong the time you use them, and save money by reducing frequent tire replacements.

It’s also a safer practice as your tires won’t have uneven tread and this reduces the chances of skidding and imbalance.

9. Wash Your Car Regularly

You’re probably wondering what washing your car has to do with keeping it running for longer? Most people will only wash their cars to make them more presentable, but car experts will tell you that it can actually keep your car in better driving shape.

Washing your car regularly removes grime and dirt that may otherwise cause corrosion and weaken the car’s body. There’s also less chance of dirt entering the radiator, exhaust and other easily accessible parts of the car.

Even the best blue cars can turn gray if you don’t wash them regularly!

Final Thoughts

Cars, like all physical commodities, will eventually wear out and become obsolete. However, there are ways to keep your car running for much longer.

By following these tips, you can keep your car in good condition for longer and spend much less on repairs. Best of all, you’ll eventually be able to sell the car for much more than you could otherwise!

About the Author: Danial Nasir

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