Why Do Some People Bruise Easily? (Here’s What You Need to Know in 2024)

Published On: August 11, 2024Last Updated: August 11, 2024
why do some people bruise easily

In a survey of 500 adults, it has been found that around 18% of them suffered from easy bruising. Easy bruising can create a sense of concern, especially when it happens frequently and you are not well aware of the causes and symptoms. Today, we’ll guide you with all the insights and help you know why people bruise easily. We will also discuss the quick fixes.

Key Takeaways: Easy Bruising

  • Easy bruising is quite a common condition, mostly caused by changes associated with aging, genetics, some medications, and some medical conditions like hemophilia.
  • Usually, this disorder causes frequent, large bruises.
  • Treatments include dietary modifications and supplementation with vitamin C and vitamin K, plus medical interventions, especially clotting factor replacement.

What is Bruising?

Bruises, or contusions, are blood vessel injuries located just under your skin. This is what causes blood to leak out and collect in the surrounding tissues, visible as discoloration. It usually appears due to blunt force trauma.

Types of Bruises

Types of Bruises

1. Subcutaneous Bruises

These are the bruises that mostly develop under your skin’s surface. Fast bleeding appears as purple or blue marks and slowly turns to green or yellow color as they heal.

2. Intramuscular Bruises

Intramuscular bruises are those injuries that occur within muscle tissue, more deep than subcutaneous bruises. They may also hurt more and last longer due to the muscles being denser.

3. Periosteal Bruises

Periosteal bruises mainly affect the bones. The bleeding in these occurs under the periosteum, which is the outer layer of the bone. Such bruise types are usually connected to:

  • Fractures
  • Severe impacts
  • Trauma

Normal Bruising Process

Trauma causes blood vessels to burst and blood to spill out under the skin, which accumulates and forms a bruise. Due to hemoglobin from RBC (red blood cells) at first, most bruises get relatively dark.

The colors of bruises will change over time due to the breakup of this blood by the body; from red-purple in the beginning, they turn greenish-yellow as healing continues.

However, the good news is the healing process begins right after the injury. White blood cells clear the tissues; new blood vessels now grow to recover blood collected under the skin.

The enzymes break hemoglobin down into biliverdin and bilirubin. They contribute to color changes of a healing bruise.

6 Common Causes of Easy Bruising

Common Causes of Easy Bruising

Here are some of the common reasons for easy bruising.

1. Age

As you age, the skin gets thin, and some of the fatty layer that cushions it is lost. Blood vessels then become relatively easy to damage because of small bumps or knocks, which later leads to easy bruising.

2. Genetics

Genetics also play a huge role in how easily a person bruises. Some people can inherit fragile blood vessels or have an increased tendency to bleed, so they may bruise even with minimal trauma. Plus, a family history may be indicative of genetic tendencies toward easy bruising too.

3. Medications

Certain medications can easily cause bruising by interfering with the blood clotting mechanisms. For instance, medications like:

  • Aspirin
  • Warfarin
  • Clopidogrel
  • Steroids
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

All these medications may lead to easy bruising since they weaken the blood vessel walls.

4. Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiencies in some major nutrients like vitamins C and K often lead to the loss of integrity of blood vessels and clotting functions, resulting in bruising.

Vitamin C also connects to collagen production necessary to keep up blood vessel strength while vitamin K is needed for appropriate blood clotting.

5. Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions can also lead to easy bruising, including:

  • Hemophilia: This is usually a genetic, inherited blood disorder where blood lacks clotting factors, and thus slight bruises lead to excessive bleeding and bruising.
  • Leukemia: It may affect the development of platelets, and it may, for this reason, increase the tendency for bruising due to shortcomings or deficiencies in the platelet count.
  • Pathological liver diseases: Especially cirrhosis, produce malfunctioning in the production of clotting factors and can cause easy bruising.

6. Lifestyle Factors

A few lifestyle factors can cause easy bruising. For instance, if you are active in sports or intense workouts, there are chances of bruising. Plus, high consumption of alcohol also thins the blood temporarily. All these factors can later cause easy bruising.

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Symptoms and When to See a Doctor

Symptoms and When to See a Doctor

Easy bruising can become quite frequent even from minor traumas or accidents. Now, here are some of the signs of bruising that indicate that you need to consult with a doctor.

  • Developing frequent bruising without any serious injury.
  • When your bruises get larger than they should be, especially when it’s super painful or the healing process is too slow.
  • Bruises appear on areas that are not due to an accident or trauma.
  • Experiencing bleeding from gums, nosebleeds, or prolonged bleeding from cuts.

Diagnosis Underlying Cause

To understand the patient’s condition better doctors evaluate by understanding the patient’s history, family history, and physical examinations. The diagnostic tests include:

  • Blood Tests: Platelet count, clotting factors, and liver function are assessed to determine the ability of your blood to clot.
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy: In suspected blood disorders like leukemia, a biopsy may be done to ascertain any abnormality in bone marrow cells.

Check Out This Video For A Better Understanding

Easy bruising – Why It Happens, When To Be Concerned

Prevention and Treatment

Here are some of the preventive measures that you can take to reduce the risk of bruising:

  • While playing any sports or going through any activity that can lead to injuries, wear a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.
  • Doctors might suggest undergoing RLT sessions for faster bruise curing. Some experts even believe it to be an effective form of treatment for bruises.
  • Lighting in your space should be sufficient enough so that you can see where you are going.
  • Handrails should be used while climbing stairs. This will help you to balance while going up the staircase.
  • The walkway in your house should be clear so that there are no accidents.
  • Mindful movement will avoid any jerks and sudden knocks.

Diet and Supplements

Diet and Supplements

A good diet comes with all the necessary nutrients helping to strengthen the blood vessels, reducing the risk of bleeding.

Vitamin C

It comes from Super foods, like citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers. It is quite a powerful source when it comes to collagen production. Moreover, it also helps to keep your blood vessels strong.

Vitamin K

Leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach are the primary source of vitamin K. This helps blood to clot, reducing bruising.


These nutrients are mainly found in citrus and berries and citrus and keep your capillaries in great condition.

Lifestyle Changes

Simple changes to your everyday lifestyle can help you a lot with your bruising. Here’s what you can do:

  • You should cut down on your drinking habits. Heavy drinking thins the blood and can lead to bruising even if you have had just a small accidental injury.
  • Exercise builds up the muscles; these would help to strengthen the person against bruising, as they would hold the balance and coolness that go against bruising.
  • Cut down on smoking as it damages blood vessels; the blood circulation becomes impeded and the tissue is more prone to bruising.

Medical Treatments

The medical treatments for underlying conditions that can lead to easy bruising include:

  • Medication changes: Your medications that thin the blood will change or stop, including products that interfere with blood clotting.
  • Clotting Factor Replacement: in hemophilia or some acquired clustering defects infusing clotting factors is useful.

Home Remedies and Care

Home Remedies and Care

Here are some of the home remedies and care that you can always rely on to prevent bruising easily.

1. First-Aid Treatment

Immediate measures help in relief and reduce bruising. This can be done by following these methods within the first 24 hours of injury:

  • Apply a cold compress or ice pack covered by a cloth to the injured area for 15-20 minutes every hour. Ice does not only reduce swelling but also imparts analgesia.
  • Elevate the affected limb or area higher than the heart level to decrease blood flow and hence swelling.

2. Natural Remedies

Some natural remedies can help in healing a bruise and minimize discoloration:

  • Applying topical arnica gel or cream has a mild effect on reducing inflammation in bruises and probably accelerates the cure.
  • The magical properties make witch hazel very efficient in reducing swelling, as it aids in the healing of bruising and skin sores.

3. Skincare Tips Prevention

Bruises treatment also involves considering several skincare tips, including:

  • Gentle Handling: Bruising occurs due to undue trauma added to the skin, so be gentle with it.
  • Moisturize: Apply gentle moisturizer to the skin as this will keep the skin well-hydrated, wrinkle-free, and resilient.
  • Sun protection: Use sunscreen every day before you go out. UV can damage the injured vessels and increase the chances of bruising.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bruising Easily

Why do older people bruise more easily?

As people age, their skin becomes quite thin and it loses a few of the protective fatty layer that helps to cushion the blood vessels from any serious injury.

Can certain medications cause easy bruising?

Corticosteroids can thin your skin and dietary supplements like ginkgo biloba can also bring in a high risk of blood-thinning effect. All these can cause easy bruising.

What vitamin deficiencies cause bruising?

Vitamin C deficiency can cause bruising! Even zinc or vitamin B deficiencies can cause bruising.

When should I be worried about bruising?

Easy bruising at times can indicate a serious condition, like a blood clotting issue or even a blood disease. You should take immediate doctor’s advice if it’s a frequent occurrence.

About the Author: Rizwan Munir

Meet Rizwan Munir: a lifestyle blogger with a passion for food, fast cars, and family adventures. From savoring culinary delights to exhilarating drives and exploring the world with his kids, he's all about embracing life's vibrant experiences.

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